Monday, July 29, 2019

It's Monday! What are you reading? July 29, 2019

A great meme hosted by Jen at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee at Unleashing Readers. A place for people to talk about books they have recently read and are currently reading. Also a great place to find books to add to your "must read" list!

Here is what I have recently read (click on the title to learn more about the book):
By Chris Rylander
Interesting story about a boy who has been living a regular life but, after his father's store is attacked and his father is kidnapped, suddenly finds out that he is really a dwarf.

By Christopher Paul Curtis
Christopher Paul Curtis does it again! Another amazing and important historical fiction story!

By Nikki Shannon Smith
I read this one after reading @GigiMcAreads blog post about it ( Great way for younger students to learn about the Underground Railroad and what life was like for African Americans in the mid 1800's.

By Alyssa Hollingsworth
I was really moved by this story and think it is a really important book to have in MG classrooms, or to even do as a read aloud. It addresses the negative stereotypes that people have about refugees and/or people who are from the Middle East. If done as a read aloud, I imagine it would lead to a lot of important conversations that should be happening in classrooms now more than ever.

By K.A. Holt
This is a YA title that I read just for myself! This story, written in verse, is beautiful! I really loved the back and forth, and occasionally together, way the two main characters' stories are interwoven. As is K.A. Holt's way, she has written another important story that should be in all HS classrooms! Publishes in October.

By Isabelle Bottier
The first book in a new series about main character Cassandra who is an animal psychic. A really cute graphic novel that I will definitely be getting for my 4th grade classroom. Publishes in September.

Here is what I am currently reading (click on the title to learn more about the book):
By Jessica Townsend
Still listening to the audiobook and still loving it!

By Philip Pullman
I just started this one, but I have high hopes seeing as I loved Pullman's His Dark Materials series so much!


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed The Journey of Little Charlie (which was on my #MustReadin2019 list) and as I've said before I LOVE EVERYTHING from the Nevermoor world, so far. Hurry up book #3! I'm also adding Redwood and Ponytail to my list as it's new-to-me. Thanks for all these shares, Anna, and I hope you have a wonderful reading week!

    1. I know, cant wait for book #3!
      Thank you, you too!

  2. I also really enjoyed Redwood and Ponytail (and the whole House Arrest-Knockout-Redwood) set. I teach grade 6 and work in the K-7 library at my school. We hosted K.A. last fall so she sent us a copy and I have had several students read it and enjoy it that I don't think would usually read a YA book. So many other great books here. I hope to find time to check out The Eleventh Trade and I think my students would really enjoy The Legend of Greg. Thanks for the great post!

    1. Definitely check out The Eleventh Trade Aaron! I didn't totally love Legend of Greg, but I think students might really get a kick out of it.
      My pleasure!

  3. Like Shaye, I am a hardcore Nevermoor fan.
    I realized after reading your post that I have 6 K.A. Holt books on my want to read list, and I have read nothing of hers! I am now off to find a library near me that might have her work.

  4. I really liked The Eleventh Trade; while the book is giving young readers a glimpse into a different culture, many young readers will be able to relate to Sami's love of soccer and the difficulties of being the new kid. Thanks for sharing and have a great week!
