Monday, August 14, 2017

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? August 14, 2017

Welcome to my new blog!

My name is Anna Sedenka and I currently teach 4th grade ELA and social studies in southern Maine. In a few short weeks I will be starting my 10th year as an elementary school teacher!
This blog will be about all things ELA, though it will most likely end up being a bit heavier on reading. I will try to keep up with a few different weekly memes, such as this one, and I will also post book reviews here (picture books, chapter books, non-fiction, graphic name it!). Also, keep your eyes peeled for various book related giveaways!

A great meme hosted by Jen at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee at Unleashing Readers! A place for people to talk about the books they have recently read and are currently reading. A great place to find books to add to your "must read" list!

Here is what I am currently reading (click on the title to learn more about the book):

by Linda Williams Jackson
I am only a little ways into this book, but I can already tell it is going to be a powerful story! It is set in the south in the 1950's and I am already learning a lot about what life was like for African Americans living during this tumultuous time. I am intrigued to see what happens to the strong willed main character Rose Lee Carter.

by Kate Messner
I was very excited to get started on this one as well! I pretty much love everything from Kate Messner and I am especially excited to be back with my friends Gianna and Zig. You can read this as a stand alone, or you can read The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z, where you first meet these two characters.

By Lee Canter
As the new school year approaches, I am working on upping my classroom management game with this book! This is a book that my school decided to choose as an optional summer PD read. My whole grade level decided to read it over the summer so that when we return for the new school year, we will hopefully all be on the same page as far as our classroom management goes. 
So far I am really enjoying the set-up of the book, it is easy to read and has some great, realistic, ideas in it. I am looking forward to seeing what great tools I can add to my management toolbox!


  1. Hi Anna. Congrats on your new blog. I look forward to seeing what you will be reading. I loved the Exact Location of Home. Midnight without a Moon sounds very interesting. I will add it to my neverending reading list. Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, Midnight Without a Moon was a very powerful story!

  2. Hurray! The blogging world needs your voice! Can't wait to follow your posts!

  3. Yay for new blogs! I have The Exact Location of Home from NetGalley -I am looking forward to reading it in the next couple of weeks. Have a great reading week!

    1. Thank you Katie! Yes, I also read it using NetGalley...enjoy!

  4. Congratulations on your blog! I am looking forward to The Exact Location of Home. Netgalley declined my request, I think because I am not in America...

    1. Thank you Cheriee! I think it will be worth the wait!

  5. Hi Anna! Congrats on the new blog!
    I read EXACT LOCATION OF HOME when it came out as an e-book a couple of years ago. I think it's the same book? I loved reading a story about Zig, who I met in the GIANNA Z book, which I loved!
